Commentaries in Tissue Barriers

Created 19 Sep 2023| Updated 21 Nov 2023 | 1 article

The main goals of this section of Tissue Barriers is to promote readership and interest in the journal by expanding article types/content in a direction that adds real value. Thus, Commentaries are expected to appeal to a broad audience in the field – the expert in the particular area and the non-expert alike. It is expected that Commentaries will cover highlights both what we have learned from what is reported in a recently-published paper and some of the unanswered questions. Although some Commentaries will be invited by the Editor, unsolicited Commentaries are also welcome. Commentaries are meant to highlight recent research from Tissue Barriers or another journal with content relevant to the scope of Tissue Barriers and to place the results in the context of the field represented by Tissue Barriers. A Commentary should be relatively brief, up to a maximum of 2000 words with a short “abstract” of 1-2 sentences to introduce what the commentary is about/why it’s important and would include a few key references, i.e., with a maximum of 10-15. Commentaries will be handled by the Editor without a formal review process and will be accepted within 48 hour of submission and posted on PubMed within 3-5 days. Please contact Kursad Turksen, Ph.D. Editor in Chief at [email protected] for questions and ideas for Commentaries.