Global Business Dynamics: A Paradigm Shift

Created 30 Nov 2019| Updated 27 Apr 2021 | 7 articles

In the context of global business dynamics, change can occur within individuals, in teams, or in whole organizations. Individuals might also become agents of change, who facilitate change within an organization. Such changes in the global business environment need to be embraced, and it is in light of this that the organizers of the First International Conference on Commerce and Pharma Management held during September 2018 proposed the publication of this special issue, titled 'Global Business Dynamics: A Paradigm Shift'. The Departments of Commerce and Pharmacy Management of Manipal Academy of Higher Education at Manipal organized the conference in association with the School of Management and Business at the Manipal International University, Malaysia and the Deakin Business School of Deakin University, Australia. There are seven articles in this special issue providing a combination of conceptual, empirical research, and literature review papers that attempt to draw our attention to the emerging changes in the areas of the economy, education, and research.

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Review Article

Originally published in Cogent Economics & Finance, Volume: 7, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2019)

Published online: 06 Aug 2019
  • 46 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in Cogent Economics & Finance, Volume: 7, Number: 1 (01 Jan 2019)

Published online: 13 Dec 2019
  • 3 CrossRef citations
  • 0Altmetric
Open Access