Open Select journals


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Authors can make their research open access in over 2,000 Taylor & Francis and Routledge open select journals. Your research funder or institution may require you to publish your article open access and our open select journals give you the flexibility of publishing in a journal that best fits your research while complying with your open access mandates.

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Articles published Open Select (hybrid open access) with Taylor & Francis typically receive 95% more citations* and over 7 times as many downloads^ compared to those that are not published Open Select.  To publish your research open select and see similar benefits use the subject filter on the left and search through a wide range of subjects and disciplines to find the right journal for your research.

  • *Citations received up to 9th June 2021 for articles published in 2016-2020 in journals listed in Web of Science®. Data obtained on 9th June 2021, from Digital Science’s Dimensions platform.
  • ^Usage in 2018-2020 for articles published in 2016-2020 

Open Select journals list

Explore our portfolio of Open Select journals and find the best home for your research. Use the subject filter to browse by discipline.

  • Showing 61-80 of 275 results for search:

  1. Educational Psychologist

    Publish open access in this journal
    Educational Psychologist publishes articles that advance theory, or the methods used to advance theory, regarding the psychology of learning and instruction. For more specific information, please consult the journal's Aims and Scope and also the Instructions to Authors. If you have additional questions about submitting, you can contact the editorial team [email protected] 
    Partial Access
  2. Educational Psychology

    An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology Publish open access in this journal
    Covers psychological aspects of education from pre-school to tertiary for children with special learning needs, emphasizing experimental and behavioral studies.
    Partial Access
  3. Educational Studies

    A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association Publish open access in this journal
    Publishes research on social and education foundations, including the economics, history, politics and sociology of education and pedagogical issues.
    (1900 - current)
    Partial Access
  4. English in Education

    Research Journal of the National Association for the Teaching of English Publish open access in this journal
    English in Education publishes research on teaching English language and literature curricula in schools, colleges and higher education.
    Partial Access