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Journal overview

Nature and Science of Sleep is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal covering all aspects of sleep science and sleep medicine, including the neurophysiology and functions of sleep, the genetics of sleep, sleep and society, biological rhythms, dreaming, sleep disorders and therapy, and strategies to optimize healthy sleep.

Specific topics covered in the journal include:

  • The functions of sleep in humans and other animals
  • Physiological and neurophysiological changes with sleep
  • The genetics of sleep and sleep differences
  • The neurotransmitters, receptors and pathways involved in controlling both sleep and wakefulness
  • Behavioral and pharmacological interventions aimed at improving sleep, and improving wakefulness
  • Sleep changes with development and with age
  • Sleep and reproduction (e.g., changes across the menstrual cycle, with pregnancy and menopause)
  • The science and nature of dreams/li>
  • Sleep disorders
  • Impact of sleep and sleep disorders on health, daytime function and quality of life
  • Sleep problems secondary to clinical disorders
  • Interaction of society with sleep (e.g., consequences of shift work, occupational health, public health)
  • The microbiome and sleep
  • Chronotherapy
  • Impact of circadian rhythms on sleep, physiology, cognition and health
  • Mechanisms controlling circadian rhythms, centrally and peripherally
  • Impact of circadian rhythm disruptions (including night shift work, jet lag and social jet lag) on sleep, physiology, cognition and health
  • Behavioral and pharmacological interventions aimed at reducing adverse effects of circadian-related sleep disruption
  • Assessment of technologies and biomarkers for measuring sleep and/or circadian rhythms
  • Epigenetic markers of sleep or circadian disruption

Nature and Science of Sleep welcomes submitted papers covering original research, basic science and technology, clinical and epidemiological studies, reviews and evaluations, guidelines, expert opinion and commentary. Case reports and study protocols will only be considered if they make a valuable and original contribution to the literature.

When considering submission of a paper utilizing publicly-available data authors should ensure that such studies add significantly to the body of knowledge. Further guidelines for the dataset and analyses can be found here.

All meta-analyses require a pre-submission check prior to submitting to Nature and Science of Sleep. Please complete the pre-submission check form.

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