CrossRef citations to date


  • Cicchetti, D. V. (1994). Guidelines, criteria, and rules of thumb for evaluating normed and standardized assessment instruments in psychology. Psychological Assessment, 6(4), 284–290. https://doi.org/10.1037/1040-3590.6.4.284
  • Cooke, J. E., Deneault, A. A., Devereux, C., Eirich, R., Fearon, R. P., & Madigan, S. (2022). Parental sensitivity and child behavioral problems: A meta‐analytic review. Child Development, 93(5), 1231–1248. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13764
  • Cyr, C., & Alink, L. R. (2017). Child maltreatment: The central roles of parenting capacities and attachment. Current Opinion in Psychology, 15, 81–86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2017.02.002
  • Dallaire, D. H., & Weinraub, M. (2005). The stability of parenting behaviors over the first 6 years of life. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 20(2), 201–219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2005.04.008
  • Davidov, M., & Grusec, J. E. (2006). Untangling the links of parental responsiveness to distress and warmth to child outcomes. Child Development, 77(1), 44–58. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8624.2006.00855.x
  • Forslund, T., Granqvist, P., van IJzendoorn, M. H., Sagi-Schwartz, A., Glaser, D., Steele, M., Hammarlund, M., Schuengel, C., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Steele, H., Shaver, P. R., Lux, U., Simmonds, J., Jacobvitz, D., Groh, A. M., Bernard, K., Cyr, C., Hazen, N. L., Foster, S., … Lamb, M. E. (2022). Attachment goes to court: Child protection and custody issues. Attachment & Human Development, 24(1), 1–52. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2020.1840762
  • Goldberg, S., Grusec, J. E., & Jenkins, J. M. (1999). Confidence in protection: Arguments for a narrow definition of attachment. Journal of Family Psychology, 13(4), 475. https://doi.org/10.1037/0893-3200.13.4.475
  • Gulseven, Z., Liu, Y. Y., Ma, T. L., Yu, M. V. B., Simpkins, S. D., Vandell, D. L., & Zarrett, N. (2021). The development of cooperation and self-control in middle childhood: Associations with earlier maternal and paternal parenting. Developmental Psychology, 57(3), 397–409. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001151
  • Hu, L.-T., & Bentler, P. M. (1998). Fit indices in covariance structure modeling: Sensitivity to underparameterized model misspecification. Psychological Methods, 3(4), 424. https://doi.org/10.1037/1082-989x.3.4.424
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  • Morris, A. S., Criss, M. M., Silk, J. S., & Houltberg, B. J. (2017). The impact of parenting on emotion regulation during childhood and adolescence. Child Development Perspectives, 11(4), 233–238. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdep.12238
  • NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (1999). Child care and mother-child interaction in the first 3 years of life. Developmental Psychology, 35(6), 1399–1413. https://doi.org/10.1037/0012-1649.35.6.1399
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  • Pinquart, M. (2017). Associations of parenting dimensions and styles with externalizing problems of children and adolescents: An updated meta-analysis. Developmental Psychology, 53(5), 873. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0000295
  • Pinquart, M., & Gerke, D.-C. (2019). Associations of parenting styles with self-esteem in children and adolescents: A meta-analysis. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(8), 2017–2035. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-019-01417-5
  • Schuengel, C., Verhage, M. L., & Duschinsky, R. (2021). Prospecting the attachment research field: A move to the level of engagement. Attachment & Human Development, 23(4), 375–395. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2021.1918449
  • Skinner, E. A., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2016). Parenting, family stress, developmental cascades, and the differential development of coping. In The development of coping (pp. 239–261). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41740-0_12
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  • Van IJzendoorn, M. H., Steele, M., & Granqvist, P. (2018). On exactitude in science: A map of the empire the size of the empire. Infant Mental Health Journal, 39(6), 652–655. https://doi.org/10.1002/imhj.21751
  • Von Suchodoletz, A., Trommsdorff, G., & Heikamp, T. (2011). Linking maternal warmth and responsiveness to children’s self-regulation. Social Development, 20(3), 486–503. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9507.2010.00588.x
  • Zvara, B. J., Sheppard, K. W., & Cox, M. (2018). Bidirectional effects between parenting sensitivity and child behavior: A cross-lagged analysis across middle childhood and adolescence. Journal of Family Psychology, 32(4), 484. https://doi.org/10.1037/fam0000372