Society information

Department of Social Work, National University of Singapore (NUS)

The Department of Social Work, NUS, has been the main provider of Social Work Education in Singapore since 1952. It offers undergraduate, graduate diploma, masters and doctoral programmes, and is also active in research and practice in the community.

Research in the Department is integrated with our practice and teaching of social work. Many of our research projects are collaborations with local community partners and international researchers. The projects analyze trends on issues of societal concern, and evaluate policies, programs and services for populations in need. Research also provides hands-on learning to students who are engaged in the projects.


To be a leading educational and research institution within the international social work community, providing a distinctive Asian perspective in social work and social development.


1. To produce and develop competent social work graduates who can contribute to the well-being of society by

  • promoting the social functioning of people within the environment from the perspectives of the individual, family and community;
  • enabling the development of human potential to the fullest;
  • providing effective social work leadership; and
  • undertaking research and creating awareness and understanding of social issues and social change.

2. To lead in the development and promotion of regional social work education, practice and research in collaboration with Asian and other international partners.

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Asian and Pacific Association for Social Work Education (APASWE)

The APASWE is a non-profit and non-sectarian organization for schools of social work in the Asia-Pacific region. With a membership exceeding 200 (mostly drawn from educational institutions), APASWE promotes academic and professional standards of social work education and facilitates inter-school cooperation and collaboration in the region.

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