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Research Articles

Ideology, war, and genocide – the empirical case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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  • Basic, G. 2015a. “Conditions for Reconciliation: Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Journal of Criminal Justice and Security 17 (2): 107–126.
  • Basic, G. 2015b. “Constructing ‘Ideal victim’ Stories of Bosnian War Survivors.” Social Inclusion 3 (4): 25–37. https://doi.org/10.17645/si.v3i4.249.
  • Basic, G. 2015c. “Definitioner av våld i överlevandes berättelser efter kriget i Bosnien.” Sociologisk Forskning 52 (4): 341–361. https://doi.org/10.37062/sf.52.18299.
  • Basic, G. 2017. “Concentration Camp Rituals: Narratives of Former Bosnian Detainees.” Humanity and Society 41 (1): 73–94. https://doi.org/10.1177/0160597615621593.
  • Basic, G. 2018. “Definitions of Violence: Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 33 (13): 2073–2097. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260515622300.
  • Basic, G., and Z. Delić. 2018. “Genocide in Northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Sociological and Pedagogical Analysis of Crimes Against Humans and Against Humanity During and After the War.” Criminal Justice Issues XVIII (5–6): 37–58.
  • Basic, G., and Z. Delić. 2019. “Post-Genocide Society, Social Capital, and Pedagogy of Lifelong Learning: An Analysis of the Empirical Example of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Social Sciences and Education Research Review 6 (2): 31–62.
  • Basic, G., Z. Delić, and H. Sofradzija. 2019. “Ideology of Neo-Fascism, Education, and Culture of Peace. The Empirical Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Critical Education 10 (6): 1–20.
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  • Delić, Z. 2009. “Globalization, Power and Knowledge Policy: Eleven Antitheses on Globalization.” Filozofska istraživanja 29 (1): 31–50.
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  • Delić, Z., and G. Basic. 2024. “Genocide, Joint Criminal Enterprise, and Reconciliation: Interactional Analysis of a Postwar Society in the Context of Legitimizing Transitional Capitalism.” Cogent Social Sciences 10 (1): 2287317. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2023.2287317.
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  • Wästerfors, D. 2014. “Book review: why we harm.” Acta Sociologica 57 (3): 271–272. https://doi.org/10.1177/0001699314529214.
  • Wästerfors, D. 2023. “Sad and Absurd Representations of War in Gameplay and Interviews.” Cultural Sociology 17 (3): 390–409. https://doi.org/10.1177/17499755221108243.
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