Advancements in Waste to Energy Research: Focusing on innovative approaches and methodologies for biomass exploitation

Created 05 Feb 2024 | 9 articles

Welcome to our Article Collection on Waste to Energy Technologies, a compendium of cutting-edge research and innovations that revolutionize how we harness energy from waste materials. In a world grappling with environmental challenges and a growing need for sustainable energy solutions, this collection explores the ingenuity and creativity of scientists and engineers in transforming waste into a valuable resource.

Our journey begins by addressing the challenges of providing biogas in water-limited environments, as evidenced by laboratory-scale biodigesters. We then delve into the world of waste transformation with a study on the pyrolysis of Colombian spent coffee grounds, highlighting the characterization of bio-oil and its antioxidant properties.

The collection proceeds to investigate the possibilities of utilizing waste plastic fuel in diesel engines, with a focus on the effects of Jatropha biodiesel admixtures. Further, we compare the conversion of molasses into biomethanol through the biohydrogen pathway and the biogas route, providing engineering insights and cost assessments through the lens of Thailand.

Microbial fuel cells take center stage in our exploration as we showcase their role in efficiently treating cauliflower waste while simultaneously generating electricity. In addition, we assess the techno-economic viability of synthesizing B10 from second-generation biodiesel feedstocks in Uganda, paving the way for sustainable biofuel production.

As we delve into waste-to-energy technologies, we also illuminate the pyrolysis properties of water hyacinth biomass and characterize its pyrolysis products. A comprehensive review on microbial desulphurization of coal offers insights into cleaner and more efficient energy generation from coal sources.

Lastly, we explore the synergy, kinetics, and thermodynamics of co-pyrolysis between biomass and binary single-use plastics, further highlighting the potential for waste materials to contribute to our energy needs.

This Article Collection represents a pivotal step towards a more sustainable and circular economy, where waste is not discarded but transformed into a valuable resource, driving us closer to a cleaner, greener, and more energy-efficient future. Each article within this collection offers a unique perspective on the remarkable journey of waste to energy, contributing to a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow for all.

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Originally published in International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Volume: 42, Number: 1 (14 Dec 2023)

Published online: 09 Feb 2023
  • 1 CrossRef citations
  • 0Altmetric
Open Access

Originally published in International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Volume: 43, Number: 1 (31 Dec 2024)

Published online: 18 Jan 2023
  • 2 CrossRef citations
  • 0Altmetric
Open Access