Journal overview

Editorial board
Climate Interactions is an online, open access, international journal publishing across all areas of sustainable research and is part of our Elevate Series. This means that you will receive a concierge-level publishing experience, including dedicated support from our expert in-house Editorial team, with guaranteed response times of within 48 hours, an initial decision on whether your article will be peer reviewed within 5 working days, and a first decision on your research within an average of 22 working days.

Climate Interactions is a scholarly open access, internationally peer-reviewed and cross-disciplinary journal, that provides a platform for academics working in different disciplines, to collaborate and offer a joint focus for their research in advancing climate research. The journal will be made up of broad sections covering various dimensions of how climate impacts the world.

The journal welcomes original research articles, review articles, method articles, registered reports, data notes and editorials. Letters to the Editor are also considered and should discuss an analysis of an article previously published in Climate Interactions.
Read full aims and scope

Associated journals

Journal cover image for Sustainable Communities

Sustainable Communities

This cross-disciplinary journal publishes research to advance sustainable practices and explore how sustainability drives responses to environmental change.

Open Access