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Journal overview

Global Food History is the preeminent peer-reviewed journal for authors who wish to write about food and drink using history as their primary disciplinary perspective—though we also welcome work from scholars in other disciplines or who use interdisciplinary methods to consider the relationship between food history and food studies.

The editors welcome the following submissions:

  • Research Articles: These should be essays of 8,000 to 10,000 words, which use primary source research to make new arguments, engage with scholarship in the field, and which deal with time (change or continuity), causation and causality, context (historical and historiographical), and complexity.
  • Pedagogical Articles: These essays reflect on teaching practices and strategies related to interdisciplinary food courses, such as assignments, syllabi, and class experiences in kitchen laboratories. These are generally about 4,000 to 6,000 words.
  • Review Articles: These essays are typically historiographical in nature or else think pieces on trends within subfields of food history. The word count may vary from a long book review to a full-length research article, but the length should reflect the scope of the topic.
  • Archival Articles: These essays should provide context for and analyze specific recipes, primary sources, or archival collections. For publishing primary sources, the editors prefer that the source should be historically significant, previously unpublished, and ideally of pedagogical value. The journal has a strong preference for translations into English. Such documents must include an introduction putting the source into context as well as critical apparatus in the footnotes. Total word count should not exceed that for other types of submissions. The translator/editor must obtain all necessary reprint rights prior to consideration.
  • Book Reviews: The journal book review editor commissions reviews of significant recent books. If you have a published a book and would like to have it reviewed, please ask your press to send a review copy to the address below. Book reviews are typically about 1,000 words in length. We do not publish unsolicited book review manuscripts.
The editors take a broad view of what is considered “global.” Articles from the ancient period up to the present on comparative and transnational history are acceptable, as are pieces that consider the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean worlds (as well as connections between them). Essays dealing with non-Western and non-European history are particularly welcome.
We encourage authors to consider multiple categories of analysis, such as class, gender, power, race, and theory. In all cases, writers should strive to justify the geographical and chronological scope of their argument. Clear engagement with historiographical debates is essential for all submissions.

Global Food History is currently accepting proposals for special issues. In this case, a proposal of no more than one page, to include the scope of the issue, authors (committed or potential), and approximate timeline to the first submission of essays should be sent as a query to the most applicable editor in the first instance.

For more details, please see Instructions for Authors.

Please send books for review to the attention of Audrey Russek, book review editor:

Global Food History -- Book Reviews

Attn: Audrey Russek

Archives and Special Collections

UC Davis Library

100 NW Quad

Davis, CA 95616

For shipping services that require a physical address (i.e., FedEx, UPS, DHL), please use the following:

Global Food History -- Book Reviews
8850 Williamson Dr.
Box 1072
Elk Grove, CA 95759

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