Special issues

Browse all special issues from Journal of European Public Policy.

All issues
Volume 25, Issue 1, 2018 pages 1-135
Fiascos in public policy and foreign policy
Volume 23, Issue 5, 2016 pages 643-787
Ideas, political power, and public policy
Volume 23, Issue 3, 2016 pages 315-471
The European Union as a global regulator?
Volume 22, Issue 9, 2015 pages 1233-1365
Differentiated integration in the European Union
Volume 22, Issue 6, 2015 pages 751-887
Demoi-cracy in the European Union
Volume 22, Issue 1, 2015 pages 1-153
Best conference papers, EUSA 2013, Baltimore
Volume 21, Issue 6, 2014 pages 793-959
The European Union: wider and deeper?
Volume 21, Issue 5, 2014 pages 643-792
The EU in global financial governance
Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014 pages 315-484
Twenty years of legislative codecision in the European Union
Volume 20, Issue 7, 2013 pages 941-1082
The representative turn in EU studies
Volume 20, Issue 2, 2013 pages 155-307
Changing models of capitalism
Volume 19, Issue 8, 2012 pages 1109-1291
EUSA 2011 Boston Conference papers
Volume 19, Issue 5, 2012 pages 635-775
Economic patriotism: political intervention in open economies
Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012 pages 307-451
Agency Governance in the European Union
Volume 18, Issue 6, 2011 pages 779-925

Special issue information

Special Issue proposals can now be submitted to the JEPP Editors at any time of the year. They can be submitted in two forms:

(1) A full proposal

(2) A ‘call for papers’ proposal

All proposals must include a working title, the names and affiliations of the guest editors and a description of the proposal’s rationale, its innovative nature in relation to existing published work in the particular field, and an indication of its likely appeal to JEPP readers. All proposals must also include a timetable, which specifies ‘milestones’ such as any workshops that are planned, date by which first and subsequent drafts are to be submitted, the time allowed for the refereeing process etc. (the editors are happy to advise on these matters). This part of the proposal should not exceed 3 pages.

Full proposal applications must also include names and affiliation of each proposed paper contributor and an approx. 150-word abstract of each of the planned papers, together with an indication of their commitment to contribute to the special issue. (It is important that contributors are ‘signed up’ and not just on your wish list!). Since all of the papers for the special issue will be subject to standard peer review, you may want to factor in that not necessarily all papers will make it through that process. Hence, submitting a proposal with merely 8 proposed papers (which is the standard special issue length), you will stand the risk of losing several papers as a result of peer review. We thus encourage submissions containing 10-12 paper proposals. 

‘Call for papers’ proposals must include a short draft call, a detailed strategy for publicizing the call, and a timetable.

Each special issue will normally contain at least 8 articles (up to 10,000 words per article), all of which will be subject to peer review. The special issue guest editors will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the special issue via ScholarOne, the online submission and journal management system. But no worries, there will be plenty of instructions and support by the JEPP editors!

All proposals (including expressions of interest and general inquiries) should be sent to the JEPP editors:

Berthold Rittberger ( [email protected]) and Jeremy Richardson: ( [email protected]).