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Journal overview

Multicultural Education Review (MER) is a peer-reviewed journal for research about diversity and equity in education. Aiming to provide a truly international and multidisciplinary forum for the discussion of educational issues, MER welcomes original contributions that explore various aspects of policy and practice in education around the world. As an official scholarly journal of the Korean Association for Multicultural Education, MER is published in March, June, September, and December.

"The editors of MER are to be warmly congratulated for producing a fine international journal that regularly features the work of leading scholars in the field multicultural education. I have published in the journal three times, myself. Because I always find the journal's articles thoughtful and up to date, I recommend it to anyone who is interested in multiculturalism, how schools might serve diverse populations better, and how schooling itself might support diverse democracies in an era of increased global human migrations." Christine Sleeter, Professor Emerita, California State University-Monterey Bay & Former President, National Association for Multicultural Education

Peer Review Integrity
All manuscripts relevant to the aims and scope of MER are reviewed anonymously. All manuscripts undergo rigorous double anonymized peer review by at least two, usually three, anonymous reviewers. Manuscripts submitted to MER are judged on the following criteria: use of an explicit theoretical or conceptual framework, acknowledgement of relevant literature, originality in analysis, appropriateness of methodological approach, contribution to the advancement of knowledge, use of a multicultural perspective, and clarity of expression. Because of the international scope of MER, authors are encouraged to focus on the underlying aspects of their research that make the work relevant for the larger community of educators and policymakers. The editors rely heavily on reviewers' judgments. Strong efforts are made to ensure prompt decisions about acceptance. To ensure anonymity, authors' names, institutional affiliations, and other identifying information should be placed on a separate title page only.

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Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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